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الطيران والفضاء

الطيران والفضاء

Discover how Sprung manufacturing facilities and aviation hangars are helping Space X push the boundaries of human innovation.
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مشاريع الطيران والفضاء المميزة

Browse through this selection of projects to learn more about the many ways Sprung’s aviation structures and portable hangars help to support and optimize the aviation and aerospace industry around the world.

حظائر طائرات

الطيران والفضاء

حظائر طائرات

حظائر الطائرات ومباني النسيج المشدود

Sprung’s tensioned fabric structures are an ideal fit for aircraft hangars, aircraft repair facilities, airfield buildings and other airport building applications because they can be installed immediately, are fully and easily relocatable, and can be leased or purchased for short or long terms. With minimal foundation requirements and a design that’s engineered for portability, Sprung’s airport facilities are highly adaptable and can be moved or reconfigured to suit multiple applications and changing needs. Our hangar door options, and long-lasting architectural membrane further ensure long-term flexibility and reliability to meet your airport building requirements.

اختيار Sprung لمباني المطارات

Many of those in the aviation industry have already chosen Sprung for their airport building solution. Our structures are serving as permanent and temporary aircraft hangars and aircraft repair facilities all over the world, including at Marshall Aerospace in England. They’re also being utilized as cargo sorting facilities at Polar Air Cargo in Amsterdam and for Federal Express at Oakland International Airport; as ground support equipment warehousing and storage facilities for the Denver International Airport; as helicopter hangars for Shell in Nigeria; and even as the NASA Orbiter Protection Enclosure at Cape Canaveral in Florida.

With its long lifespan, a Sprung portable hangar offers all-weather protection from the elements and a virtually maintenance-free aluminum substructure that is durable enough for a 50-year guarantee. For shorter-term applications ranging from one month to five years, many aviation companies prefer to lease Sprung airfield buildings, making use of our flexible payment options to fit their project and budget needs. Contact your Sprung representative for more information about our aircraft hangar and airfield building options.

حظائر الطائرات ومباني المطارات، البناء السريع

Sprung offers the fastest execution of temporary aircraft hangars and airport buildings on the market. Minimal foundation is required to install portable hangars and all manner of aircraft repair facilities, and the structures can be easily relocated to meet a variety of fabric hangar needs. With more than 12,000 installations around the world, Sprung technology has successfully solved business-location challenges for a wide variety of industries and applications, and aircraft hangars and airport buildings are no exception. We use our patented fabric membrane technology on all airport buildings and temporary aircraft hangars, so you can rest assured that your structure will function successfully for years to come.

أبواب حظائر الطائرات

Over the last 30 years we have designed and installed hundreds of aircraft hangars and portable hangars around the world. Sprung is the inventor of the stressed membrane structure, and we take pride in the number of innovations we’ve brought to the industry. In addition to our aviation structures, we’ve designed cost-effective hangar doors that are reliable, quick to install, easy to use and able to meet the unique needs of various airfield operations.

تشغيل الفيديو

نظام الأبواب الدوارة للنقطة المركزية

يوفر ابتكارنا الفريد نظام أبواب منخفض التكلفة يعمل يدويًا ومصمم خصيصًا للمباني المنحنية بنصف قطر. وهو نظام مثالي لحظائر طائرات الهليكوبتر في المواقع النائية.
تشغيل الفيديو

نظام أرماديللو

تم تصميمه هندسيًا بواسطة Sprung، وهو مثالي للاستخدامات الاستكشافية متعددة الاستخدامات قصيرة المدى، حيث يظل الباب مشدودًا بالكامل في جميع الأوقات مما يوفر المزيد من الأداء والموثوقية حتى في حالات هبوب الرياح القوية.
تشغيل الفيديو

نظام باب الجر القابل للطي لأعلى

توفر الأبواب النسيجية العمودية شديدة التحمل أقصى مساحة فتح حسب الحاجة مع توفير مستوى عالٍ من إحكام إغلاق الباب.
تشغيل الفيديو

نظام الباب المتداخل (TDS)

صممته شركة Sprung هندسيًا لتوفير نظام باب لوحي تقليدي موثوق به للطائرات التجارية والعسكرية كبيرة الحجم.

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