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Zentren für Obdachlose

Zentren für Obdachlose

Find out how Sprung’s homeless navigation centers are helping municipalities address homelessness in an effective way with homeless shelters and temporary shelters.
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Ausgewählte Projekte von Obdachlosen-Navigationszentren

Browse through this selection of projects to discover some of the many ways Sprung’s housing shelters and navigation centers are helping to support municipalities in their effort to address homelessness.

Zentren für Obdachlose

Zentren für Obdachlose

Zentren für Obdachlose

Zentren für Obdachlose

Choose Sprung for community shelter buildings

Sprung’s tensioned fabric structures can serve as permanent or temporary shelter buildings that meet a wide range of community needs. With low construction costs, limited foundation requirements and the ability to deliver and build faster than conventional builders, Sprung is a wise solution for communities that require housing facilities. Our permanent or temporary shelter structures have bright and welcoming clear-span interiors, while our energy-efficient insulation package ensures a comfortable environment in shelter structures, with lower overall operating costs.

Innovative Strukturen für Obdachlosenunterkünfte

Sprungkonstruktionen sind die ideale Lösung für Obdachlosenunterkünfte und Notunterkünfte, da die Baukosten niedrig sind, nur ein begrenztes Fundament erforderlich ist und schneller geliefert und gebaut werden kann als bei herkömmlichen Obdachlosenunterkünften. Darüber hinaus kann das ausgeklügelte Innere eines Sprung-Bunkers separate Räume und Gemeinschaftsbereiche beherbergen, was sicherere und komfortablere Räume in Obdachloseneinrichtungen ermöglicht.

Kauf oder Pacht von Obdachloseneinrichtungen

We have clear-span shelters in stock so you can construct homeless shelters, and other housing facilities, quickly. Your homeless facilities, homeless buildings and shelter buildings can be customized depending on size and usage requirements. With many options for layouts and accessories, your clear-span shelter can include multi-purpose spaces, storage options, recreational areas, and more. Contact us today for a quote on permanent or temporary shelters as shelter buildings and homeless structures.

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