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Охорона здоров'я

Охорона здоров'я

Take a tour of Ontario’s Royal Victoria Pandemic Response Unit, a 12,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art Sprung hospital building designed to provide vital medical care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Список низки реалізованих проектів в галузі охорони здоров'я

Browse through this selection of projects to discover some of the many ways Sprung structures are helping to support and optimize healthcare facilities around the world.

Охорона здоров'я

Постійні та тимчасові лікарняні будівлі

Sprung’s high-performance medical center structures can be shipped within days and built in as little as two weeks. Offering superior indoor climate control and all-weather durability, our hospital facilities have been used by organizations around the world for emergency, temporary and long-term medical building needs.

Швидкоспоруджуванi збiрно-розбiрнi конструкції "спранг" каркасно-тентового типу для медичних закладів 

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Sprung team demonstrated our ability to rapidly design and build temporary hospital buildings in multiple locations. At the University of Rochester Medical Center, Sprung produced a temporary hospital structure that only required eight weeks to complete, with 30 days for site preparation and 30 days for installation and fit-out. Sprung also donated a tensioned fabric hospital building to the Peter Lougheed Centre in Calgary, Alberta, that took even less time, requiring only 39 days to go from delivery to completion. We have the experience necessary to quickly build temporary hospital buildings or permanent hospital facilities that can stand up to any number of conditions or requirements.

Лікарняні будівлі для розширення медичних площ

If your medical facility has an urgent need to expand its operating capacity, Sprung can design and build a temporary hospital structure or permanent hospital building within weeks. Hospital facilities must be hygienic, and Sprung structures meet this need by offering controlled environments that are perfect for implementing interior HVAC systems. Featuring ample natural light, superior indoor climate control and the ability to withstand any and all weather conditions, Sprung’s hospital buildings will outperform the rest. Contact us for a quote on rapidly built hospital facilities.


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